“Ultimate Solution for Roof Leakage”
TV Interviews
Our professional engineer illustrated the structure of a typical roof.
Green Roofs & Heat Island Effect
Submission to Subdivision
Our professional engineer illustrated the inspection methods for water leakage on roofs in the second part of the program.
Green roof collapse incident at the City University of Hong Kong
Introduction to Green Roof
Newspapers and Magazines
English translation available below
Sing Tao Daily - HOME Fantsy (家居潮流)
Japan Roof System - Waterproofing & Heat Insulation
Developed in Japan; Waterproofing & Heat Insulation; Easy Maintenance
HKET - Property Times (置業家居)
HKET - Property Times (置業家居)
Sing Tao Daily - Property Browser (超級睇樓王)
Waterproofing, Heat Insulation, Greening
Green Roof: A Break With Convention
Green & Waterproof; Easily installed & Fireproof
Dream House (生活日誌)
HKET - Property Times (置業家居)
Features of Materials; Procedures of Installation
Fiberglass: Heat insulation and Waterproofing
A Subtle Revolution
Problems of Traditional Waterproofing Works